11月営業日程のお知らせ About business schedule of November
11月の日程は、第一週は平日も休まず(AM9:00~PM17:00 最終入館受付はPM16:30)で営業致します。
以降は土日祝日の11日・12日・18日・19日・23日(AM9:00~PM16:30 最終入館受付はPM16:00)を営業し冬期休館に入る予定でございます。
This Museum will open without rest until 5th November. However, it will be closed on weekdays after November 5th.
On the November 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th, and 23rd holidays, it will open from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. (The entrance gate closes at 4:00 p.m)
After that, it will be closed until the following April 21. Because a lot of snow falls and accumulates.
Therefore, this museum is open every year at the end of April.